Ground Type Moves

Ground Type Moves are strong against Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock and Steel Type Pokemon, but are weak against Bug, Grass.
All Move Types
There are a total of 8 Different Ground Type Moves in Pokemon Go.
There are a total of 31 Different Pokemon with Ground Type Moves in Pokemon Go.
Ground Moves Type Effectiveness
Ground Type Moves are Super Effective Against:
XGround Type Moves are Not Very Effective Against:
Ground Type Moves
The Following is a List of Ground Type Moves in Pokemon Go:
Bone Club
Charge The user clubs the target with a bone.
Charge The user strikes everything around it by stomping down on the ground.
Charge The user burrows, then attacks on the next turn.
Drill Run
Charge The user crashes into its target while rotating its body like a drill. Critical hits land more easily.
Charge The user sets off an earthquake that strikes every Pokémon around it.
Mud Bomb
Charge The user launches a hard-packed mud ball to attack.
Mud Shot
Fast The user attacks by hurling a blob of mud at the target.
Mud Slap
Fast The user hurls mud in the target's face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy.
Pokemon Capable of Using Ground Type Moves
The Following is a List of Pokemon that can learn the above Ground Type Moves:
Pokemon Capable of Using Ground Type Moves (Sorted By Specific Move)
The Following is a List of Pokemon that can learn each Ground Type Move:
Bone ClubBulldozeDigDrill RunEarthquakeMud BombMud Shot
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