Grass Type Moves

Grass Type Moves are strong against Ground, Rock, Water Type Pokemon, but are weak against Bug, Dragon, Fire, Flying, Grass, Poison, Steel.
All Move Types
There are a total of 7 Different Grass Type Moves in Pokemon Go.
There are a total of 16 Different Pokemon with Grass Type Moves in Pokemon Go.
Grass Moves Type Effectiveness
Grass Type Moves are Super Effective Against:
XGrass Type Moves are Not Very Effective Against:
Grass Type Moves
The Following is a List of Grass Type Moves in Pokemon Go:
Leaf Blade
Charge The user handles a sharp leaf like a sword and attacks by cutting its target. Critical hits land more easily..
Petal Blizzard
Charge The user stirs up a violent petal blizzard and attacks everything around it.
Power Whip
Charge The user violently whirls its vines or tentacles to harshly lash the target.
Razor Leaf
Fast Sharp-edged leaves are launched to slash at the opposing Pokémon. Critical hits land more easily..
Seed Bomb
Charge The user slams a barrage of hard-shelled seeds on the target from above.
Solar Beam
Charge A two-turn attack.
Vine Whip
Fast The target is struck with slender, whiplike vines to inflict damage.
Pokemon Capable of Using Grass Type Moves
The Following is a List of Pokemon that can learn the above Grass Type Moves:
Pokemon Capable of Using Grass Type Moves (Sorted By Specific Move)
The Following is a List of Pokemon that can learn each Grass Type Move:
Leaf BladePetal BlizzardPower WhipRazor LeafSeed BombSolar BeamVine Whip
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